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About the Journal

Issues in Language Studies is a publication of the Faculty of Language and Communication (formerly known as Centre for Language Studies), Universiti Malaysia Sarawak. The journal publishes articles on teaching, learning and the study of languages two times a year in June and December. It offers a forum for the discussion of local issues that are of global concern. It is a double-blind refereed online journal published bi-annually. Currently it is indexed by Google Scholar, the Malaysian Citation Index, Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), Directory of Abstract Indexing for Journals, Ulrich’s Periodicals Directory, Cabells Journalytics, and SCOPUS.


Quick Info

ILS welcomes articles either in English or Bahasa Melayu (Malay). Manuscripts submitted to Issues in Language Studies should not exceed 7,000 words, including abstract, references, tables, figures and appendices. All manuscript will go through double-blind review by the experts/academics related to the topic/scope assigned by the Chief Editor. Starting from the June 2022 issue, ILS will charge a publication fee of RM500 for articles that are accepted for publication.

When submitting the work, contributors are requested to make a declaration that the submitted work has not been published, or is being considered for publication elsewhere. Contributors have to declare that the submitted work is their own and that copyright has not been breached in seeking the publication of the work. The current acceptance rate for Issues in Language Studies is about 15%.

The Scope:

  • language learning and teaching
  • applied linguistics
  • linguistics
  • general language education
  • computer-assisted language learning (CALL)
  • technology-mediated language learning
  • and other related areas

The opinions expressed in Issues in Language Studies are those of the authors and contributors, and do not necessarily reflect those of the editors, the editorial board, Universiti Malaysia Sarawak Press or the organisation to which the authors are affiliated.

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