Volume 2 Number 1 (2013)
Published Online on 26 May 2013
Articles in This Issue:
A cross-language study of the speech sounds in Yorùbá and Malay: Implications for Second Language Acquisition
by Boluwaji Oshodi
Gender messages in contemporary popular Malay songs
by Collin Jerome
Genres apart: School and university writing
by Su-Hie Ting and Muriatul Khusmah Musa
Study of science students' expectation for university writing courses
by Shanthi Nadarajan
The effects of increase and variations in time presentations for second language vocabulary learning
by Radina Mohamad Deli, Zainab Ghareeb-Ali and Shorouk Al-Houti
Aplikasi media sosial dalam pembelajaran Bahasa Inggeris: Persepsi pelajar universiti (Learning of English Language via Social Media: University students’ perceptions)
by Kee-Man Chuah